The last few days of Truck driver training have been fantastic, especially when you have a great bunch of Guys doing their Truck courses. It’s always a pleasure dealing with people that have a a great personality and a sense of humour.
People like Rebecca, Jenn and Thomas that have been doing their NSW Ambulance paramedics course through Uni. All you guys have been a fantastic bunch and we wish you all the best going through the last few steps of your long journey. Knowing how close you are to your goals, we thank you for being with us the last couple of days to complete the LR or MR Truck driver Training at our Sydney location.
We also would like to thank Martin, Lance, Troy and George for attending the HR truck driver training. It’s always a pleasure seeing students attending the truck driver training course and do so well at it. Martin only needed the HR restricted licence and completed the training in 1 day, but failed his first assessment for braking a road rule :)… guess you learned the hard way… eh Marty!!!
Lance and George however took the challenge and wanted to be trained with the road ranger gear box. Lance having some yard experience with the boys at work and George being a diesel mechanic gave them an advantage to master the RR Gearbox with ease. Troy in the other hand was such a professional person with a great friendly personality. The reason I mention this is because we had a brake down on one of our trucks and Troy was so patient and helpful until we got the starter motor replaced.
Its been a great week meeting with great people, we at CORE Driving School would like to wish you all a save journey and the best of luck with your new careers.