MR Truck licence Gosford is an Accredited heavy vehicle training and assessment course. Core Driving School conducts the MR Truck licence Gosford course 7 days a week, with flexible training hours to suit your schedule. At Core we provide heavy vehicle training in the morning and in the afternoons, so if you have day time commitments you can choose the afternoon training.
Medium Rigid MR Truck Licence Course
Get your MR Truck licence Gosford course started today with Core Driving School.
1st. complete the knowledge test at the RMS.
2nd. book you MR truck licence Gosford training with us today .
3rd. we test your final assessment (FCA)
At the end of the MR truck licence Gosford course you will receive a Certificate of Competency. The Certificate of Competency (COC) would need to be presented to the RMS in order to receive your medium rigid licence upgrade.
SAFETY TIP: Heavy vehicle checking stations
Heavy vehicle checking stations are permanent RMS facilities, located along major transport routes, where heavy vehicles over 8 tonne GVM may be stopped and inspected to see that they meet safety and road worthiness standards and that their drivers are complying with road transport laws. This includes trucks, trucks and trailer combinations, busses and motor homes that are over 8 tonne Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM).
Please note that there are heavy penalties under environmental protection legislation for breaking the noise control law. These penalties increase significantly for repeat offences.
As a professional Heavy Vehicle Driving School we pride our-self on high standards training the MR Truck Licence Gosford course, ensuring all students by the end of the day are highly qualified to operate the MR Truck. Educating young truck drivers the principles of handling a MR truck safely and competently.