Heavy Vehicle Licensing for MR Truck Licence Sydney providing high standards of heavy vehicle training and assessments. Our heavy vehicle MR truck licence Sydney courses runs 7 days a week to suit your Schedule, having flexible training hours that you can choose from. At our Sydney base we offer 1 or 2 day courses, training early morning or in the afternoons.

We call it the 3 step system of obtaining your MR Truck Licence Sydney.
Step #1. Pass the knowledge test with the RMS.
Step #2. We train you
Step #3. We test you
Medium Rigid MR Truck Licence Course
Our medium rigid MR truck licence Sydney training starts usually 7 am and finish approx by 3 pm, at the end of the course if all went well, you would receive a certificate of competency. The certificate of competency will have to be presented to the RMS in order for you to upgrade your MR truck licence.
Safety Tip: Reversing a Heavy Vehicle
When reversing a heavy vehicle, you must…
- Activate the hazard warning lights before starting to reverse.
- Avoid unnecessary reversing. Plan ahead to use the shortest possible reversing distance.
- Use a helper to guide you whenever possible. You should be able to see the guide who should have a clear view of where your vehicle is going.
- Get out and have a look if you are not sure what is behind you.
- Always reverse your vehicle into position in a driveway or loading dock.
Although you may need to hold up traffic while you reversing, it is much safer to drive forward into traffic as you leave.
At CORE we pride ourselves educating young Australians, providing a high standard for all MR Truck licence Sydney heavy vehicle training. Our MR Truck Licence Sydney course is one of the popular heavy vehicle licence young Australians are going for. Providing fundamental skills that all students need, as well as safety courses such as safe operation of heavy vehicle and defensive driving capabilities.