Congratulations to all the students who passed their Heavy Vehicle Truck Licence today!
James was very happy to pass his HR (Heavy Rigid) Roadranger Truck licence in 1 day, being a great listener makes a difference James found out today as it was the key to success. We struggled the first 60 minutes getting the gears going but James turned it around and started to get the feel for it and pick up the momentum as we went through the day. its always a pleasure training people like James because having a positive attitude and ability to listen to instructions make learning and teaching easy. Well done mate and wishing you all the best… see you next year for HC.
Aiden was very nervous and had a lot of pressure on as he needed his LR (Light Rigid) Truck Licence to go though the NSW Ambulance. Well done Aiden for mastering the training and the assessment on your first go and we wish you all the best in your new career.
Mehdi shopped around many other Truck Training Schools before finding Core Driving School. Mehdi was pleased to have found us and has now done his Truck Course through us. Congrats Mehdi and thank you for giving us the opportunity to train and assess you… all in 1 day passing with ease.
Aaron passed his Heavy Vehicle Truck Licence on the road ranger first try and was very happy, hope you enjoyed your stay with us and we wish you all the best… best of luck buddy and see you in the near future
Thank you all for choosing Core Driving School for your Truck Licence upgrades stay safe and hope to see you on the road.
For further information on how to get your Truck Licence or Licence upgrade please feel free to call us or send us an email.