We would like to congratulate all the students that have passed their Truck Licence Courses today.
First of all we would like to thank Yannick for coming to us from Coffs Harbour to complete the Forklift and HR Truck Licence. We wish you a safe trip home buddy.
Also not to forget Jessica for completing the LR Truck Licence. Jessica has finally done the long and stressful journey to be a part of the NSW Ambulance Paramedics team. We wish you all the best Jess, hope you safe many lives.
Finally… big thanks to Mitch for being such a good listener and passing the Heavy Rigid roadranger Truck Licence the first day… first go…
Light Rigid Licence (LR Truck) Course
For all your inquiries please contact us on 0449-82-CORE
CORE… Trucking is our game!!!